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Exhibitions | 预约展览

WEPRESENTART offre delle proposte per la realizzazione di mostre sia in galleria o in altre sedi, sia online come mostre virtuali.

WEPRESENTART offers proposals for the realization of exhibitions both in the gallery or in other locations, and online as virtual exhibitions.

WEPRESENTART 为艺术家及艺术机构在意大利和欧洲各国策划艺术展及文化交流活动;在本站量身定做虚拟展览并安排专业推广。

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Curatorship | 策展人

WEPRESENTART collabora con critici e curatori noti a livello nazionale ed internazionale per la curatela di mostre e progetti.


WEPRESENTART collaborates with critics and curators known nationally

and internationally for curating exhibitions and projects.

WEPRESENTART 与国际高端策展人及批评家合作,为展览提供专业的理论指导和学术支持。


Press office|媒体推广

WEPRESENTART promuove mostre ed eventi sui diversi canali con il proprio ufficio stampa.

WEPRESENTART promotes exhibitions and events on different channels

with its own press office.


WEPRESENTART 为其策划的展览进行专业的国际新闻媒体推送宣传。


Photo & Video

WEPRESENTART propone servizi fotografici, video,  video VR/AR.



WEPRESENTART offers photographic services, video, VR / AR videos.

WEPRESENTART 为艺术家及艺术机构提供摄影、影像服务,包括虚拟现实和拓展现实的制作。


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